
Beats 1.7.5b and Android Fragmentation

So even though I wasn’t planning on it, I just published yet another minor update to Beats 1.x as Beats 1.7.5b. Changelog? Added Amazon Fire TV support (Beats-style only), add more speed multipliers, removed AdMob, and fixed a few crashes. Interesting, not-so-obvious question: What do all these changes have in …

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Beats 1.7.3b + Beats2 update

Beats 1.7.3b While migrating a bunch of old projects to GitHub, I decided to check if the old Beats 1.x app still compiled with the latest SDK and work. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t, with tons of new warnings and errors. While cleaning up the errors, I decided to revisit some of …

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Beats2 Update

Beats2 Test Demo – Multiplatform Demo It’s been a while since the last website update. Beats 1.x has hit an amazing 2 million users/downloads with an average of 9-10k users daily, so I figured I might post something. I’ve been busy with a lot of non-Beats related stuff (vacation to …

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Beats 1.7.1b FINAL

Been super busy with school (just graduated earlier this year) and work (just started right after that), but I’ve finally got a break to come back and revisit Beats. Reinstalled eclipse and the Android SDK, updated a few libraries, fixed a few bugs here and there, and tested it on …

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Beats2 Prototypes Video

Beats2 Prototypes – Mode Demo On a side note, the project won 1st place in my school (University of Pennsylvania)’s CIS Poster Competition ; ) ~Keripo

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Beats2 New Years Update

A day late but oh well. Happy New Years from Keripo! Since the last update quite a bit has happened but here’s the rough plan for 2012. There will be two projects: Beats2: Prototypes and Beats2. In a nutshell, I decided to make Beats2 development a part of my senior …

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Beats 1.7b FINAL (Open Sourced)

Summer ends and university starts again. With the change comes the release of Beats 1.7b FINAL, the last version of Beats, Advanced Rhythm Game. This also marks the open sourcing of Beats and the starting point of the Beats2 project! Beats 1.7b FINAL is almost the same as Beats 1.7a-r570 …

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Beats 1.7a Preview and 250k Downloads!

To start off, it seems that sometime earlier this month, Beats hit 250k downloads on the Android Market! (this doesn’t include downloads from the Downloads page and other locations of course). So here’s the obligatory thank-you picture! While I’ve been quite busy over the summer with work, I did manage …

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Beats + Kinect = Win

UPDATE: Demo video and full report released and new downloads available. See here for more details or see below: Finished up writing the full report with instructions, etc. Includes all relevant documents, source code modifications, photos, and of course a video of the actual demo ; ) Report: 2011-05-09 ESE350 …

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Looking for translators

To deal with managing the various translations/localizations of Beats, I have uploaded the strings to crowdin, a collaborative translation tool that supports Android. http://crowdin.net/project/beats If you are interested in helping out with the translations, please visit that site and start translating! In particular, I am strongly looking for someone to …

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